Short hop to Jamaluang
The Forest Reserve road is one of the few roads in M'sia that is in so good a condition it actually could fool you into thinking that it's a highway in Singapore! Its about 30km of winding turns and sweeping corners. Was doing 130-140 through most of them. At one point, I hit a bump on the road, which turns out to be a patched up pothole, at 160km/h.
Both my tyres lifted clear from the surface of the road. NOT A GOOD THING.
Been mountain biking for a pretty long time now, air time is not a big deal anymore. What actually scared the wind out of me was when my bike touched down and I nearly got a tankslapper. My front wheel flipped out towards the right and jerked violently a couple of times before easing off. I swear my heart skipped a beat right there.
Saw monkeys, a 12-strong family of wild boars, and an unidentified low-flying bird which glided over a field (beautiful sight, really), and right into my trajectory. I aint gonna kill myself trying to avoid a bird I dont even know, so I figured between mangled legs or cleaning a mangled bird out of my radiator, I chose mangled bird.
I felt a violent smack. And that was all there was to it. Didnt see any bird carcass, so I assumed the little bastard was stuck on my bike or something, maybe with his back pressed against my headlights, like a boy trying to disappear into the wall when faced with the school bully.
Anyway, there was a heavy rain afterwards on the way back to SG. When I got home, I looked at the radiator and nothing there! No blood, no feathers. Which is cool. No mangled legs, no mangled bird.
Oh, found out my bike's speedometer aint that accurate after all. The indicator says 165km/h, but I was clocked next to a Yamaha Fazer (fyi, its Fazer, as in 'unfazed', NOT Frazer ok? wtf) whose rider said I was doing only 160km/h. Shouldn't have downsized my main jet to a 152. I was happy with a 155. Why? Those were happy days.
Then again, I can just swap it for the 155 in 10 minutes tops. Nevermind.
Oh, the lunch was fantastic. Curry wild boar, fried bass or cod (never good at identifying fish), sauteed frog legs, black pepper mountain goat, pork ribs (I'm pretty sure they came from the same wild boar. ok nvmd), sambal kang kong.
Ok, so.... fast environment-destroying bike, great curves, top speeds, air time, monkeys, pigs, dead bird, but no carcass, sounds like a.... actually I have nothing witty to say here. A very fun trip, nevertheless.
Hope to do it again soon.
Both my tyres lifted clear from the surface of the road. NOT A GOOD THING.
Been mountain biking for a pretty long time now, air time is not a big deal anymore. What actually scared the wind out of me was when my bike touched down and I nearly got a tankslapper. My front wheel flipped out towards the right and jerked violently a couple of times before easing off. I swear my heart skipped a beat right there.
Saw monkeys, a 12-strong family of wild boars, and an unidentified low-flying bird which glided over a field (beautiful sight, really), and right into my trajectory. I aint gonna kill myself trying to avoid a bird I dont even know, so I figured between mangled legs or cleaning a mangled bird out of my radiator, I chose mangled bird.
I felt a violent smack. And that was all there was to it. Didnt see any bird carcass, so I assumed the little bastard was stuck on my bike or something, maybe with his back pressed against my headlights, like a boy trying to disappear into the wall when faced with the school bully.
Anyway, there was a heavy rain afterwards on the way back to SG. When I got home, I looked at the radiator and nothing there! No blood, no feathers. Which is cool. No mangled legs, no mangled bird.
Oh, found out my bike's speedometer aint that accurate after all. The indicator says 165km/h, but I was clocked next to a Yamaha Fazer (fyi, its Fazer, as in 'unfazed', NOT Frazer ok? wtf) whose rider said I was doing only 160km/h. Shouldn't have downsized my main jet to a 152. I was happy with a 155. Why? Those were happy days.
Then again, I can just swap it for the 155 in 10 minutes tops. Nevermind.
Oh, the lunch was fantastic. Curry wild boar, fried bass or cod (never good at identifying fish), sauteed frog legs, black pepper mountain goat, pork ribs (I'm pretty sure they came from the same wild boar. ok nvmd), sambal kang kong.
Ok, so.... fast environment-destroying bike, great curves, top speeds, air time, monkeys, pigs, dead bird, but no carcass, sounds like a.... actually I have nothing witty to say here. A very fun trip, nevertheless.
Hope to do it again soon.